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This page gives some information on the problems and issues faced when using one of the following browsers:

Safari (Mac)

Save passwords

To save passwords, execute the following steps:

Cookies and JavaScript

If you have problems logging in, it is possible that your cookie settings are incorrect. You can correct them as follows:

Internet Explorer (Windows)

These instructions are for Internet Explorer 6 on Windows 2000 or Windows XP.

Save passwords

To save passwords, execute the following steps:


If you have problems logging in, it is possible that your cookie settings are incorrect. You can correct them as follows:


If you open an FTP-site with Internet Explorer, the contents of the FTP server should look like the contents of a directory on your computer. If the contents of the FTP server look like a webpage or if you have problems uploading, you can fix this as follows:

Firefox (different platforms)

These instructions are for Firefox 1.5.

Save passwords

To save passwords, execute the following steps:


If you have problems logging in, it is possible that your cookie settings are incorrect. You can correct them as follows:


If the basket does not work or if you have other problems using the site, it is possible that JavaScript is disabled. You can enable it as follows:

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